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Classes are currently online 

Not sure what class is for you, scroll down to the bottom of the page to see what the Yogis and Yoginis that come to practice have to say.


Please check your junk and spam folders for joining instructions, if you haven't received the dial in details for practice.  

The login details are sent one day before the class.


There are heaps of pre-recorded online classes out there, which is great, however, seeing familiar faces and knowing you are practicing with someone that knows you, really does make a difference. So join me and the online yoga community as we continue to stand side by side, hand in hand, together (virtually or otherwise)!


Just click on 'book now' for whichever class you would like to join, complete the short form.  The login details will be sent one day prior to the live session - simple!  Check your spam and junk folders for the email as I often end up there!

Payment ~ All online classes are £5 per class. However, If you are self employed, financially struggling or have lost your job please let me know and I will sort a way to get free yoga to you, please don't be embarrassed to ask, it's called Karma Yoga and I am happy to practice it. 

Monday 10th May

6pm to 7pm



Monday 10th May

7:30pm to 8:30pm

Yin Yoga


Tuesday 11th May

6pm to 7pm

Yoga ~ All levels


Wednesday 12th May

10:30am to 11:30am

Restorative Yoga


Thursday 13th May

6pm to 7pm

Beginners Yoga


Mondays - Vinyasa - 6pm to 7pm

A different class each week, fun filled flow with challenges for those that want them.  My first love in practice was Vinyasa, it quietened my chattering mind, challenged my body and gave me an hour in the present moment.


Here's what Yogini Claire says ~ "Rachel’s Vinyasa is great exercise for body and mind. There are always options for postures depending on how challenging you want your flow to be. Her classes are friendly and welcoming with no pressure or judgement. The best hour of self-care you can ask for".


Yin Yoga - 7:30pm to 8:30pm

I see this class as a great big hug to yourself, yin yoga, meditation, breath work, sprinkled with yoga philosophy for those who want to chill out and embrace ALL things that are yoga.


Here's what Yogini Sian says ~ “Mellow out Monday Yoga should be experienced by everyone! It's slow, calm, gentle & the poses bring a complete body & mind relaxation. Finished off with a meditative savasana which will have you snuggled into bed within minutes - delicious!” 


Tuesdays - Yoga - 6pm to 7pm

A different class each week, suitable for all levels, beginners included.


Here's what Yogini Amy says ~ "I have been attending beginners yoga on a Thursday for about a year and from the comfort of my own living room have even been brave enough to try Tuesday's class as well, which has now, with beginners on a Thursday, become a staple in my week. It is the perfect progression from beginners and even though it is virtual, Rachel gives clear instruction and support so I feel able to progress myself and try new things. I feel like a new woman every time I step off my mat at the end of the sessions! Best therapy for the mind and body there could possibly be! Come get your Voga (virtual yoga) on!" 


Wednesdays - Restorative Yoga - 10:30am to 11:30pm

Your midweek gift to yourself, ease into posture, chill your beans and give yourself a good old stretch out.


Here's what Yogi Geof says ~ "I can’t think of a better way to ease into a Wednesday than with Rachel’s online Yoga class. This is ideal for anyone who thinks that they’re too old/unfit/overweight/inflexible to ‘do yoga’ - there are no extreme twists or balances you see in the magazines to put you off (we’ve all seen those perfect, Lycra clad bodies!). Rachel welcomes you with a friendly smile and encourages you to work at YOUR level. She talks you through every stage, always giving you at least three depths to every pose (this gives you the opportunity to either stay where you feel comfortable, or try to push yourself a little bit if you fancy more of a challenge) and most importantly, she is never patronising or judgmental about the level you choose for yourself, just supportive and positive at all times. So if you’ve ever thought about starting yoga but never quite got around to it, or you’re a seasoned yoga veteran who fancies a lovely gentle practice then I’d recommend this class every time. I started with Rachel as an unfit, paunchy 60 year old who hadn’t even considered yoga before and now attend up to 4 classes a week"!


Thursdays - Beginners Yoga - 6pm to 7pm

This is what it says on the tin, beginners yoga, whether you have never stepped on the mat before or this is your 1,000 practice, this is yoga for ALL and encourages you to harness the beginner's mind.


Here's what Yogini Ruth says ~ "Thursday beginners yoga with Rachel is giving your mind and body the time off from life in the most trusting and serene way. Rachel is expert in making the postures accessible for all. I race for my mat on Thursday knowing for the next hour Rachel has got it covered"



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